Transition Girl

Why transition girl?... Best answered by a quote from the Iliad....."The soul was not made to dwell in a thing; and when forced to it, there is no part of that soul but suffers violence."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

marking a moment

My work is done. Not really. If I could switch off my imagination, my work would be done. I embrace instead the tangents of thoughts that take me to many a magical place and accept that writing is and will always be my favourite form of release. Truthfully, the idea of life without such spark is no life at all.

Today, I am marking a moment. All three of the written parts of the Panopticon series are now available in paperback and ebook format so I pause just long enough to appreciate the end-products of years of writing.

It feels weird.

I have such a strong drive to finish things - an aching need to achieve that last end stop - so much so that I now take a regular last Friday of the month day off to find a moment of Zen. Relax. Learning how to pace myself. Striving for a different perspective. Only I would reach for pause making raspberry trifle. A futile attempt to clear away the mind clutter.

It is great to finish but whenever I do, all I then want is to start afresh. I feel out of sorts when I am not writing. Creating short stories at the moment to keep me going until I'm ready to dive back into the deep end and develop the storyboard for the next novel.

My novels can be acquired via the links on my website -


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